We haven't talked to A since the second match call. We have exchanged phone numbers, but I think we're both afraid to make that first step without the counselor. We have exchanged addresses, and the counselor has informed us that A is sending us a package. So, that will be our ice-breaker. She mailed it yesterday, so we should receive it this week. We will call her to thank her, and hopefully that will help break the ice.
Our tiny collection of baby clothes is growing steadily. Our diaper stash is now a box and three bags full. We have a bathtub and a few little toys.
We're so eager! I can't wait to meet A. I can't wait to hug her and tell her thank you.
I can't wait to meet my little girl. I can't wait to see what color her hair is! How curly will it be? I can't wait to see her little feet and hold her in my arms for the first time.
I've been online "window shopping." We haven't bought anything online yet, but there are so many things I love.
Our nursery theme is birds and nature... I'm thinking of adding deer to the list. I mean, how CUTE is this:
And, today I found the cutest little shoes! I would wear these if they were a bajillion times bigger:

See that counter over there -----> It's almost under 100 days!!!